Athletic club: The Athletic committee of the club is constituted of principal, one teacher member as secretary nominated by the principal in sports events organized at regular intervals, in the college competition as well as inter-University competition matches.
Common Room: The students’ common room is well equipped with various indoor games instruments i.e. Table Tennis, Carom Board, Badminton, etc. The executing committee of the common room consists of principal, one teacher as secretary nominated by the principal, three members from amongst the students nominated by the principal, regular students nominated by the principal. Regular efforts are made to keep the common room well maintained.
Debating Society: The debating society provides a platform to the students to learn public speaking and communication skills, It is a forum for discussing important social and academic issues. The principal along with a teacher-secretary, nominated by the principal and three students nominated by the same constitute the debating society.
Student Seminar: Student seminar is held every month on the interval of 15-20 days on legal topics. This is inculcate reading, writing and speaking ability among the students. Judges, Advocates and intellectuals are also invited to participate at the seminar.
College Journal: The College publishes legal journal in which articles are invited from the students and teachers. This journal is highly informative. It boosts up writing ability among the students which in return helps them is professional life.
Moot Court: The college organizes moot court under the teacher-judge guidance in the court-like atmosphere. It diffuses the fear psychosis of students The argument makes them bold to face the real pleading in the court. The college also provides court room visit facility.
Chamber Visit: A special feature of this college is a programe of court acquittance. Batches of students under guidance of different teachers go to local courts, watch the proceedings and learn how to behave and mould themselves for life ahead.
Project writing: All the student of this college have to write a project work in each paper of their subject on the topic referred by the concerned teacher in each academic session separately. It is evaluated by the concerned teacher and viva-voice is conducted, failing which, Student concerned can be debarred from form filling sent up for annual examination.
Terminal Examination: The college conducts terminal examinations in academic session. To appear and qualify in the examination is compulsory, failing which a student may be debarred from filling up form for annual examination.
Attendance: The student shall be required to put a minimum attendance of 66% of the lectures in each of the subjects including the moot courts, tutorials and practical training course. In exceptional cases and reason to be recorded and communicated to BCI, the Dean, faculty of law or principal of the law college may condone short attendance of those required by this rule. Special classes are organized to improve attendance.